Sundeep Kishan recently scored a hit with the movie 'Ooru Peru Bhairavakona.' Soon, he played a key role in Dhanush's Rayan movie and got a hit with it. He is coming soon with a film called 'Mazaka.' The movie is directed by Trinatha Rao Nakkina and produced by Rajesh Danda under the banners of AK Entertainment and Hasya Movies. Star writer Prasanna Bezawada provides the story and dialogue for this movie.
Manmadhudu heroine Anshu Ambani will be making a re-entry with this movie. Ritu Varma will also be playing the heroine in this movie. They wanted to bring this movie to Sankranthi. However, it did not happen and the team launched the teaser.
Sundeep Kishan and Rao Ramesh are playing the roles of father and son. While Sundeep Kishan falls in love with Ritu Varma, Rao Ramesh falls in love with Anshu Ambani, both father and son fall in love, and some trouble occurs during the wedding.
This is Sundeep Kishan's 30th film. Just by looking at the teaser, it is clear that the film is going to be a full-length comedy entertainer. The release date will be announced soon.