Dhanush, after the success of his 50th film Rayan, has completed his next directorial venture, Nilavukku En Mel Enadi Kopam (NEEK), which is set to release soon. The film, starring his cousin Matthew Thomas and Anika Surendran, is expected to resonate with today’s youth, focusing on love and the playful antics of the current generation. GV Prakash Kumar composed the music for the film.
Recently, actor-director S.J. Surya’s post about the film on X (formerly Twitter) went viral. Surya praised the film, calling it “entertaining, funny, and emotionally unique,” adding that it would appeal to the younger audience. He also expressed admiration for Dhanush’s ability to create such a beautiful and fun film despite his busy schedule with Rayan. Surya’s post has garnered significant attention on social media.
S.J. Surya, who played the villain in Rayan, congratulated the cast of NEEK, and Dhanush for his outstanding direction. Meanwhile, Dhanush is also working on Idli Kadai as a director and has completed his acting role in Kubera, a Tamil-Telugu film directed by Shekhar Kammula.
Nilavukku En Mel Enadi Kopam is scheduled for release on the 21st.