Siddharth, who gained fame with the film Boys directed by Shankar, has always been known for speaking his mind. In a recent program, he shared that he turned down roles that glorified harmful behavior, such as abusing women or objectifying them, even though accepting such roles might have made him a bigger star. He emphasized that he chooses roles based on what resonates with him, prioritizing values like respecting women, treating his family well, and making films that are suitable for all audiences, including children. Siddharth added that while many men are expected to act tough and unemotional, he has never hesitated to show vulnerability on screen.
He has also ventured beyond Tamil cinema, acting in Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam films, and is fluent in all South Indian languages. Fans admire his choice of diverse and meaningful roles.
On the personal front, Siddharth, who had been in a long-time relationship with actress Aditi Rao Hydari, married her last year with the blessings of their families. Fans are now eagerly anticipating the couple’s future together.
His recent projects include Miss You and Test, featuring Nayanthara and Madhavan. He’s also part of Indian 3, directed by Shankar.
Regarding his career, social media users have applauded Siddharth for not succumbing to negative stereotypes and for sticking to his values.