Barcelona’s Aitana Bonmatí, a two-time Ballon d'Or winner, voiced her opposition to Saudi Arabia hosting the women’s Spanish Super Cup, stressing the need to prioritize the competition's value within Spain first. Speaking at a promotional event, Bonmatí pointed out that the tournament hasn't yet received proper attention in Spain, such as suitable venues, fair financial rewards, or better accommodations for fans.
While the men’s Super Cup has been held in Saudi Arabia since 2020 under a lucrative deal, Bonmatí expressed concerns about the country’s stance on women’s rights, saying she wouldn't feel comfortable playing there. She noted, however, that the possibility of moving the women’s Super Cup is still speculative.
Her Barcelona teammate, Alexia Putellas, also addressed the issue, calling for solidarity among players to tackle women’s rights concerns and ensure that the responsibility doesn't fall solely on women. She emphasized the importance of a collective approach, saying, "Either we all go, or we all fight together.