Religious affairs minister: FT Mufti’s office to call up ‘Raja Bomoh’
Published on 08/30/2024

Self-styled “king of shamans” Raja Bomoh is set to be summoned by the Federal Territories (FT) Mufti’s office following his recent actions at the Jalan Masjid India sinkhole incident, which resulted in a woman being swallowed by the sinkhole.

Religious Affairs Minister Datuk Mohd Na'im Mokhtar criticized Ibrahim Mat Zin, also known as Raja Bomoh, for tarnishing Islam’s image with his actions. He stated that he had requested the FT Mufti’s office to call Ibrahim in for questioning.

Na'im revealed that Ibrahim is being monitored under Section 129 of the Syariah Criminal Procedure Act (Federal Territories) 1997, which allows for first-time offenders to avoid punishment and instead be required to pledge good behavior.

Ibrahim was reportedly at the sinkhole site yesterday, where he sprinkled water he claimed was special and sourced from a Perak waterfall. He stated that his purpose was to assist in the search for the missing woman, but authorities prevented him from getting too close.

In 2017, Ibrahim faced charges under Section 7(a) of the Syariah Criminal Offenses Act (Federal Territories) 1997 for insulting Islam, with the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) denouncing his activities as contrary to Islamic teachings.
